Karl Benz drives the first automobile.

 Karl Benz was the first person to drive a car On July 3, 1886, mechanical engineer Karl Benz drove the first automobile in Mannheim, Germany, reaching a top speed of 16 km/h (10 mph).

The automobile was powered by a 0.75-hp one-cylinder four-stroke gasoline engine. Benz’s engine was a refinement of the four-stroke engine designed by fellow German Nikolaus Otto, who had refined his design from Étienne Lenoir’s two-stroke engine.

The horseless carriage had a water-cooled internal combustible engine, three wheels, tubular framework, tiller steering, and a buggy-like seat for two.

The vehicle incorporated elements that would characterize the modern vehicle, including electrical ignition, differential, mechanical valves, carburetor, oil and grease cups for lubrication, and a braking system.

As is often the case, Benz was not the only person working on such a design, but he patented his work first. As such, he patented all the processes that made the internal combustion engine feasible for use in an automobile. In 1879, he was granted his first engine patent, and in 1886 he received a patent for his first automobile.

Benz’s work eventually became the foundation of Mercedes-Benz, a well-known luxury car brand still today.


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