When did Russia become independent?

In its long and brutal history, there was only one time when Russia was conquered by another state. Despite suffering major defeats and losing wars, Russia has always retained its independence. Only the Mongol invasion was a bitter exception. In 1922, the word “Russia” once again disappeared from the political map of the world. This time it was voluntary – the country became the core of the newborn Soviet Union. The Russia that the world knows today came into being on June 12, 1990. This date, known as Russia Day, is celebrated annually by millions of Russians. In the mid-13th century, the Mongols marched with fire and sword through the territory of Rus, which at that time was in a state of feudal fragmentation. One by one, nearly all the Russian principalities were subjugated by the descendants of Genghis Khan. For more than two centuries, Russia found itself politically and economically dependent on the Mongols. Although the conquerors did not maintain any permanent ...